Episode 235: Can You Really Have Fun Without Alcohol?!


Can you truly have fun without alcohol?

Spoiler alert: Alcohol is NOT the key to joy—it’s your mindset!

Karolina is revealing the incredible science behind our brain’s dopamine system (and how it gets hijacked by drinking).

This episode will inspire you to rediscover unfiltered pleasure in your everyday activities – including the occasional midnight dance party and your next bucket list worthy trip.

Karolina takes you behind the scenes of her own alcohol-free journey, weaving in analogies and busting all the myths, while challenging you to reclaim your dopamine and rediscover joy in life's little moments.

This week is the LAST week to join our next 22-day Dry Bootcamp.

For the first time ever, you can join for as low as $59 and learn how to relax and have fun without alcohol, build a sustainable, alcohol-free lifestyle, and discover your deeper why. Plus, you’ll get all the guides, rituals, and meditations to help you connect to your higher self. We start August 6th. Sign up now.


  • Alcohol ISN’T the gatekeeper to joy – and why stepping away can unlock a world of authentic, exhilarating experiences you didn’t know you were missing

  • How alcohol hijacks your brain’s dopamine response (and the liberating journey of rebalancing your system)

  • Redefining fun by reflecting on joyful, creative, and playful memories from childhood 

  • The most common myths about fun and pleasure that are tied to alcohol

  • How Karolina enjoys vacations (and dance parties!) without alcohol


Reflect on a past experience where you felt immense joy and fulfillment without the influence of alcohol. How did that experience make you feel, and what elements contributed to your happiness?

““When you take a break from alcohol, your dopamine response system will rebalance and you will find joy and pleasure in things that used to feel mundane.”- Karolina Rzadkowolska


Dry Bootcamp starts August 6th! If you’re ready for a life-changing break from alcohol or want to recommit, this program will inspire you to cut subconscious ties to alcohol and meet your needs in healthy ways. Sign up now for just $59!

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey. 

Check out the other episodes in this series: Episode 232: Isn’t Drinking Cultural?!, Episode 233: The Myth of Normal Drinking, and Episode 234: Won’t I Be The Odd One Out?!

Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review! 

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