Episode 233: The Myth of Normal Drinking


In honor of dry July, Karolina is debunking the most common myths and objections about going alcohol-free.

What if everything you believed about "normal drinking" was a lie?

Society puts "normal drinking" on a pedestal: the cultured person who enjoys just one glass of wine over a nice dinner. But is this achievable or even desirable?

It turns out that 60% of regular drinkers overdrink, and it's also been proven that 40% to 50% of our drinking is underreported.

And drinking doesn’t feel good - would you rather be someone who drinks normally and never gets the wake up call? Or would you rather be a person who feels intune with their body, reevaluates alcohol, and wakes up to the life you were really supposed to live?

When you join Karolina’s 22-day Dry Bootcamp, you’ll learn how to relax and have fun without alcohol, build a sustainable, alcohol-free lifestyle, and discover your deeper why. Plus, you’ll get all the guides, rituals, and meditations to help you connect to your higher self. We start August 6th. Sign up for just $59!


  • Why "normal drinking" is actually a myth and why what society views as normal is often an unhealthy illusion

  • The majority of people underreport their alcohol consumption by 40% to 50% (!), plus, what this means for your perceptions of "moderate" drinking

  • How intuition and listening to your body’s signals will shift you into greater confidence, courage, and purpose

  • The REAL impact of even a single drink on your body (think disrupted sleep cycles and metabolic changes!)

  • A sneak peek into Karolina’s 22-day Dry Bootcamp, which starts August 6th. Break free from alcohol and align with your highest self.


Consider how you define "normal" drinking. Where did this definition come from, and how has it shaped your thoughts and behaviors around alcohol?

“Whether you're taking a break or you're super curious or you've ditched it for good, how can you not see that as the most powerful place you could possibly be? Because from everything I know in my life and my clients lives and so many of the women that I've worked with and I've known, ditching alcohol is the one lever that awakens their fire to be more confident, more brave, more courageous, and do big, beautiful things in their life: launch businesses, make way more money than they've ever made, go travel the world, fall in love, really heal those deep down issues. When we're trapped in the cycle of normal drinking, we don't have an opportunity to do that. We don't have the opportunity to reevaluate the rest of our lives because we don't get that huge transformation and that huge awakening.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“I don’t think there’s normal drinkers out there. Most people who drink regularly are over drinking.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Dry Bootcamp starts August 6th! If you’re ready for a life-changing break from alcohol, this program will inspire you to reevaluate alcohol through daily lessons and an immersive community. Sign up now for just $59!

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey. 

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Tune in to Episode 132: Isn’t Drinking Cultural?!

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