Why Alcohol Lowers Your Vibration
I truly believe that changing your relationship with alcohol is the most empowering thing you could ever do. And doing it is often reserved for the most intuitive people. If you’re here, you are intuitive. You are wise. You are brave.
It’s important for you to believe positive things about changing your relationship with alcohol, too. Learn how positive thinking can do amazing things for your future.
The Law of Attraction
If you're a student of personal growth or if you're into spirituality, you know there's this idea called the law of attraction. The law of attraction posits that our thoughts and our feelings attract other things into our life.
So, for example, if someone is always complaining, they create a negative vibration. They may think, There was traffic on the way to work. Dinner was burnt. My boss was a jerk today. And because they're always complaining, they'll continue to bring more negativity into their life.
Choose What To Focus On
We are processing so much stimuli all the time. In fact, we typically receive 11 million bits of information per second - 11 million! Our brains cannot possibly capture 11 million bits of information in one second. Instead, we’ll retain maybe 50 things at most. That means we are constantly selecting what to focus on.
We are constantly deciding what we're going to pay attention to. The person who's complaining about the traffic on the way to work may miss the beautiful wildflowers on the side of the freeway. The person who's complaining that their dinner was burnt is missing the fact that their spouse cared enough for them to make dinner in the first place. The person who's complaining that their boss was rude to them is missing the fact that they've worked years to get to where they are now. That it was a dream they had when they were younger.
Every single day, we make choices about what we're going to focus on. Someone who's always focused on the negative will invite more negativity.
Let’s consider the opposite point of view. What might my day look like if I’m always grateful? There might be traffic on the way to work. But, actually, it gives me a lot of time to listen to this podcast I’ve really wanted to enjoy. Maybe I have a weird email that comes through. But, instead of obsessing about it, I focus on the other four emails that were positive. I get super excited about that.
And because I'm in such a good state and because I'm thinking positively, I'm attracting new blessings into my life. My brain focuses on them and selects them instead of choosing to focus on the negative. And, when you’re in such a good mood, you're also someone who's really primed to take advantage of opportunities. By continuing to focus on and select the positive in life, you keep reinforcing it. You invite more positivity into your life.
Are You Ignoring the Universe’s Gifts?
There's this cool analogy about the law of attraction that I just really love. Imagine that you went out of your way to get a really good gift for your best friend. You’ve invested a lot of time in choosing a gift that’s exactly right for her. And you're just so excited to give it to her, you cannot wait for her to feel happy, and to show how much you care for her.
When you give her the gift, she says, “What’s this? Oh… okay. Thank you.” And then she basically tosses it. That's heartbreaking, right?
Now imagine that the universe feels the same way about you. Imagine that it's giving you blessings all the time. It's giving you a beautiful house to live in. It's giving you a job that makes money. It's giving you the introspection to be able to change and make empowering, life-altering choices.
You’re getting all these blessings, and, every time, you say, “What’s this?” And you throw them out. You choose to focus on the negative instead. Eventually, the universe is going to stop giving you gifts. The universe assumes you don’t want them or appreciate them. That is why it’s important to always be grateful - to notice the good things happening to you and to be open to new and exciting opportunities.
Alcohol and the Law of Attraction
What does alcohol have to do with this? Well, if you're into the law of attraction - if you're into manifestation—alcohol inherently lowers your vibration.
What is your vibration? Your vibration is just a word people use to categorize your thoughts and feelings that day. Someone with a low vibration really focuses on negativity. Someone with a high vibration chooses to focus on the positive over and over and over again.
Alcohol lowers your vibration. The reasons are obvious. Let's imagine I drink over the weekend. I wake up on Monday morning, basically feeling like crap. Not only do I toss and turn all night, but I actually berate myself, too. This again? I didn’t get any sleep. I don't feel good. I don't want to go to work today. This sucks. Why do I keep doing this to myself!?
I wake up, I get in the shower, and I try to trudge through. I go through the motions. And it's just a sucky day, right? A mood like that lasts all day. I spend the day in a super low vibration state.
Alcohol lowers your vibration no matter how little you drink. Maybe you just had a few, but even one glass of wine will negatively affect your REM sleep. Just one glass will lower your mood. Alcohol actually lowers your dopamine levels after the initial buzz. It lowers other happiness neurotransmitters. And it pumps out stress hormones, too. That leaves you neurologically and biologically vulnerable to being in a low mood the next day. It lowers your mood and it lowers your vibe and it lowers your ability to manifest the things you want in life.
Alcohol Keeps Us Blocked
Think about how often you’re drinking. How many days are you waking up like this? For me, it was at least half the days of the week. I drank on weekends, so Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, I was waking up with these negative feelings. I wasn't manifesting the life of my dreams. I was too blocked to follow my intuition. I was too blocked to see little signs—to see gifts from the universe.
I was quite an optimistic person, but, still, I was blocked. I was not manifesting the gifts of my soul and my purpose.
Alcohol lowers your vibe. Alcohol lowers the blessings that are going to come into your life. When you’re drinking, when you have a low vibration, you are not in a place to receive them.
When you drink too much, it's almost as if you also believe you're not worthy. You believe you're not good enough. From that state, you actually believe that you don't deserve good things. And so why would good things come to you if you don't believe you deserve them?
Trust Your Intuition
Part of the magic of the law of attraction and manifestation is you have to be really in tune with your intuition. You really have to be in tune with the signs that we get from the universe, or God, whatever word you use to describe it. Whatever you feel guides you in life.
When I had this nudge, for example, to write my book, I was watching a sunset and the title, Euphoric, came to me. I could have just ignored the nudge. I could have just drank that night. It would have been easy to think, That’s a crazy idea. I can't do that.
If I didn’t listen to that nudge, none of this would have happened for me. I would have never written a book, I would have never launched a business, and I would have never helped so many women change their relationships with alcohol. I had to listen to it. I had to make space for that nudge and honor it.
How many nudges are you ignoring? When you’re drinking, you’re not in a state to receive them. When you change your relationship with alcohol, your intuition goes sky high. Your intuition is the one telling you to change your relationship with alcohol in the first place.
Commit to Resolving Your Relationship With Alcohol
Alcohol stops wonderful things from happening. Again, it lowers your vibe. Even when you do the things that manifestation calls for—like affirmations or visualization or listening to podcasts that really help you with what you're interested in it—alcohol blocks that energy. Alcohol blocks that energy in a neurochemical way by literally lowering your ability to feel happy. It blocks that energy by keeping you sucked in, still drinking, and still repeating old patterns.
Listen to your intuition on this. Even if you've already taken breaks from alcohol before. Commit to resolving your relationship with it. Commit to getting full freedom from it. Do not stop until you get full freedom from it. Even if you're two months alcohol-free and you’re not wholly confident about socializing without drinking or going on vacation without drinking, commit to continue doing the work
You will find multiple blessings and opportunities and miracles on the other side. The universe is giving you this challenge and this problem to overcome for reason. Trust yourself. Trust the process. Trust your intuition and keep taking action out of faith, not fear. Don’t wait. Get started, and keep going. You’ve got this!
If you’d like my help in changing your relationship with alcohol for good and discovering your greater purpose, book a call here.
I’m Karolina Rzadkowolska