What is Quantum Languaging and How to Use It to Supercharge Your Alcohol-Free Journey
Never believe the popular narrative that ditching alcohol shrinks you. Being alcohol-free does not limit the relationships, thrills, and relaxation you get to enjoy in this life.
In fact, after six years and counting on this journey, I continue to see the opposite in spades. An alcohol-free lifestyle leads to possibility and expansion. It leads to a big, rich life you’re obsessed with—one you create and one you can’t believe you get to live.
Creating an expansive life is not as difficult as you think. You don’t need to buy anything or completely change your daily routine. There are small shifts everyone can make to improve their day-to-day experience and ultimately design the life of their dreams piece by piece.
One of my new favorites—one that I’m really enjoying learning more about and putting into practice more and more these days—is quantum languaging.
What is quantum languaging? How can you use it to change your relationship with alcohol and live a more fulfilled life?
Perception = Reality?
Can you manifest your reality by carefully choosing the words you write and the words you speak? Just how important are the words you use in your everyday life?
You can literally speak your reality into existence, and the science shows it’s not nearly as crazy as it sounds.
Science suggests the language we use absolutely shapes our world and worldview. 100%. The way we show up in our lives, our actions, and how we make sense of and interpret everything that happens around us comes back to the language we use to talk about it.
A team of scientists in Germany observed people’s reactions to pain-related and negative language in MRI machines. Just processing—reading or listening to words associated with pain—caused them to release stress hormones and anxiety hormones as if they were actually experiencing something physically painful.
What I focus on is the fact that it’s also been proven that positive words are associated with the release of feel-good hormones, increased frontal lobe activity, and taking more action.
What is Quantum Languaging?
The author and coach who coined the term “quantum languaging,” Dani Katz, describes it this way:
“Quantum Languaging is an evolutionary communication paradigm that is supporting change-makers, reality creators, responsibility-takers and rebel badasses in transforming themselves and our world for the infinitely more wonderful.”
Words matter. Choose your words carefully and you can create the relationships you want, circumstances you want, and reality you want.
The early stages of my alcohol-free journey led me to the Law of Attraction. It describes everything as vibrations. Everything is energy.
This includes the words you use to describe your lived experiences and the world around you. If you use negative words, your world shrinks. If you use expansive words, your world expands too.
Small Yet Impactful Language Shifts
Before I even knew about quantum languaging, I was using language to make sense of my reality and bring more life into it.
I leaned heavily on journaling when I first ditched alcohol.
Honestly writing about my experience helped me realize I didn’t miss drinking at all. Being alcohol-free helped me sleep better. It gave me the energy to do the things I wanted to do and the energy to actively take part in my life again. I worked through it on paper, writing gave me clarity and confidence, and then I created my reality.
Likewise, I’ve had an embarrassing yet super helpful habit for years. Every day, I record my experiences in 5x8 notebooks. I track my diet, workouts, books I read that year, my to-do lists, my schedule…
My favorite practice with these 5x8 notebooks is writing down memorable experiences I have on the weekends, with my parents, or during my travels. This helps me remember them and creates room for more of this energy and more of these enriching experiences in my life.
That’s quantum languaging at work. I also use quantum languaging to improve my relationships, manifest travel opportunities, and continue to help women all over the world in a way that is aligned, meaningful, and soulful.
You don’t have to have a set practice. You don’t have to journal or use notebooks (although I recommend it!). It’s very possible to use quantum languaging to shape your biggest life by paying attention to the words you use when you speak, send emails, or even text.
Try out these small yet impactful shifts
Stop saying “can’t” and “have to.” Example: “I can’t. I have to work.” You can feel how disempowering that sounds. Opt for more empowering alternatives like, “I get to” and “I am choosing to...”
Replace “can” with more assertive language. It’s the difference between “Quantum languaging can help you manifest your reality” vs. “Manifest your reality using quantum languaging.”
Instead of saying “want,” try saying, “I invite,” “I welcome,” “I choose,” “I’m open to,” etc. Take it one step further and tell people how excited you are about it. You could say, “I want to write a book,” or you could say, “I’m really excited about writing a book.” That’s how you create energy and momentum. It helps you go from, “I’m really excited to write a book” to “I’m writing my book.”
Quantum Languaging Tips for Your Alcohol-Free Journey
What does quantum languaging mean for powerful alcohol-free women?
I believe through-and-through that going alcohol-free is just the beginning. It’s the catalyst for what comes next. We go alcohol-free because we’re meant to live big lives and, as deeply intuitive women, we know drinking every week isn’t the way to do it. We know drinking keeps us playing small, and we’re ready to release it and dream bigger.
I’ve had so much fun with the Law of Attraction, manifestation, astrology and now quantum languaging. They’re all valuable tools that can give us an entirely new perspective and nudge us to invite more self-love, wonder, intention, and high-vibe energy into our lives.
Quantum languaging can be another tool in your toolbox as you continue to work on yourself and your mindset, or it can the mechanism to make the shift click during your alcohol-free journey.
If you’re in the process of changing your relationship with alcohol, get curious about quantum languaging and what it can do for you.
Personally, I recommend:
Saying “I’m excited about Dry January/taking a break from alcohol” or “I’m taking a break from alcohol.” This is so much more powerful than saying, “I really need to quit,” “I don’t want to drink anymore,” or even “I want to stop drinking.” When you say you’re excited about it, it creates a whole different energy—a buzzing, high-vibe energy.
It gives you something to look forward to. It gives you a positive space to grow into. This is precisely why I like to replace FOMO (the fear of missing out) with JOMO (the JOY of missing out). Learn more in Become Euphoric.Stepping into your alcohol-free identity and greatest power by eliminating the word “try.” “I’m trying not to drink,” “I’m trying to ditch alcohol,” “I’m trying to only to have one when I go out with my friends.” Again, you can feel just how noncommittal that is—how shaky and iffy it sounds.
Say, “I’m not drinking tonight,” “I’m not drinking right now,” or “I’m not drinking” instead. For the most powerful, badass, and confidence-boosting shift, simply state “I don’t drink.”Get crystal clear about your desires.
Why are you here? What are you on this Earth to do? What unique gifts do you have that no one else has? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, that’s okay. A lot of women don’t really know what they’re purpose is and, in my experience, it’s one of the big reasons powerful and intuitive women continue to drink.
They know they’re meant for something more, they’re not currently doing it or chasing after it, and so they’re using alcohol to tamp down that deeper longing that’s inside them. (In my program Become Emboldened, we get really specific about your purpose. We’ll answer all these questions and more.) In fact, I’ll invite you to do a visualization that gives you the language to describe your dreams. We’ll talk about your ideal environment, workspace, and living situation. We’ll talk about what the most powerful future version of yourself looks like. How she dresses. How she carries herself. The way she walks, talks, and even enters a room.
When you put language to your purpose, your ambitions, and your future, the Universe powerfully works to create them for you.
Your words create your reality.
Think about these small yet impactful shifts as you go about your day and remember there’s always a new opportunity to practice them.
If a conversation didn’t go quite how you wanted, return to what you know about quantum languaging and using words to manifest the reality you want… and apply it to your next conversation. If your self-talk felt pretty negative today and kept you in stuck energy, you have the power to change it. Start right now.
If what you’re telling yourself or others about your alcohol-free journey doesn’t get you feeling excited or grateful, choose again.
You get to live a big life. You get to chase your dreams, accomplish things you never imagined yourself doing, and then find new dreams. Quantum languaging helps. Make your words work for you, not against you. Happy manifesting!
P.S. I’d love to help introduce you to tools that will help you own your alcohol-free identity, create lasting change, and start to live the big life you’re meant for. To fundamentally change your relationship with alcohol and make your desires for alcohol disappear, join us in Become Euphoric.
I’m Karolina Rzadkowolska