You Deserve a Job You Love: Is It Coaching?
Your life is unfolding exactly the way it was meant to, and your experiences are yours for a deeper purpose.
When ambitious, growth-minded women like you change their relationship with alcohol and radically transform their lives, the next thing they feel is a pull to help the women behind them.
Ed Mylett, a famous coach, business personality, and the author of multiple books, puts it this way: “You are most qualified to help the person you used to be.” You were in the weeds so you can draw from your life experiences and help other women out of them.
When you get quiet and listen–really listen–to your deepest desires, is your heart telling you to become a coach?
Listen to that Nudge
We’re living in a time of unprecedented opportunity. Years ago, it wouldn’t have been possible for me to work from my laptop, travel the world, and impact thousands of women’s lives. But today that’s literally my reality.
And it can be yours too.
Millions of people are waking up to the potential of coaching. More and more people are working with a coach than ever before, the industry is exploding, and coaches are carving out new niches and specializing in new areas, especially in helping others change their relationship with alcohol. It’s an exciting and rewarding time to be a coach.
When you value freedom, both with having a flexible schedule and being able to work from anywhere in the world, being a coach offers you independence. You can complete your coaching certification, start a business, and coach your clients from your dream home office—or from anywhere in the world.
If you’re getting the nudge to help others, your future clients are waiting for you. Now is the time to map out your next right steps. If you don’t know how to get started and launching a business feels overwhelming, no worries. I can help. I highly, highly encourage you to apply for The Empowered AF Coach Certification.
The Empowered AF Coach Certification includes 4 certifications and everything you need to start and scale your coaching business. Get certified as a mindset coach, alcohol-free life coach, success coach, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner.
I selected each certification to give you the tools to become a highly-sought-after coach that will impact thousands of lives. Help me create a ripple effect. Learn about The Empowered AF Coach Certification, become a coach, and keep it going.
Mindset Coaching
For you to be an effective coach and for your clients to be effective in whatever they’re called to do, it all comes back to mindset. It comes back to our fears and the limiting stories we tell ourselves.
In the early months of changing my relationship with alcohol, I thought ditching alcohol was the thing that opened the floodgates for me. And don’t get me wrong. It opened doors. My life continues to shift, crack open, and expand in ways I never imagined possible.
But I can honestly say it wasn’t about alcohol for me. What changed everything was facing my fears and challenging the limiting beliefs that kept me stuck. I confronted some of my most stubborn limiting stories:
I’m too shy. I’m not confident enough. I don’t have what it takes to build a career I love and that suits my lifestyle.
Letting go of these limiting beliefs gave me self-belief, self-trust, self-love, and tools to ask, “What else can I do?”
The 9-month Empowered AF Coach Certification starts with mindset coaching to give you and your future clients an unshakeable foundation and the confidence to ask, “What else can I do?”
Alcohol-Free Life Coaching
The universe brought us together for a reason. Have you ever noticed that pretty much all high achieving people are alcohol-free?
Wildly successful people just don’t prioritize alcohol.
Learn the neuroscience, frameworks, and Euphoric’s signature positive methodology to help the women whose relationship with alcohol isn’t helping them get to the next level in life. Even if you don’t want to be an alcohol-free life coach or make alcohol a focus of your coaching, an alcohol-free coaching certification is always relevant.
Why? More and more people are going alcohol-free as we continue to value wellness and mindfulness. Using this certification, you’ll be able to help anyone who wants to change their relationship with alcohol. For ANY reason.
Maybe you really want to focus on mindset coaching and decide to dedicate a few weeks of your program to wellness and emotional regulation. You’ll be able to draw from methods you learned during your alcohol-free life coaching certification to talk to your clients about alcohol, taking care of their needs in healthy ways, and letting go of the things that no longer serve them.
Success Coaching
If you’re reading this, you know ditching alcohol is just the beginning. Your intuition is telling you it’s time to explore the possibilities. Follow that nudge.
Getting certified as a success coach will help you accomplish so many different things. First, it sets you up to be more successful. When you learn about manifestation and taking the action steps to achieve your biggest goals, you can apply these lessons to your life too.
Second, getting certified as a success coach opens doors for you to become a business coach, confidence coach, burnout coach, career coach, writing coach, sales coach, or coach for coaches. The options are endless. You’ll guide clients toward their full potential. You’ll talk about growth, meaning, fulfillment, and personal and professional development.
The materials in the success certification keep giving—and you can use it to benefit you and your future clients.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
There are deeper reasons behind everything we do. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) helps us understand them.
To run a successful business and make it sustainable, we need to learn about the mind-body connection. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to dive deep into what drives our thoughts and behaviors. Becoming an NLP practitioner gives you so much clarity and proven techniques to change the subconscious programming.
You’re going to learn so much about yourself and, when the certification program is over, you’ll be able to teach other people how to gain new insights about themselves and their lives too.
Plus: A 4-Month Business Training Mastermind
I’m proud to say there are so many things that set The Empowered AF Coach Certification apart. Not only is it a 4-part certification giving you the freedom of choice and to grow in your career, but it also includes 4 months of practical business training.
People come to me and tell me they’re nervous about running their own business and getting clients or going full-time all the time. They worry about all the moving parts, and they don’t feel confident that they have the skills, legal know-how, marketing expertise, or resources to do it. These 4 months are designed to help you grow your business together. To go over the practicalities in detail. But most importantly, to help you step into the identity of a successful coach and master pricing, selling, ascension ladders, and omnipresent marketing. My goal is to walk you through getting your first few clients all the way through to scaling to six figures.
At Euphoric Alcohol-Free, I don’t just want to change lives.
I want to change thousands of lives. Tens of thousands of lives.
And that’s why I’m asking you to join me in creating a ripple effect.
You’ve changed your relationship with alcohol. You changed your mindset and day-to-day routine. What if you could change other women’s lives too?
You can.
The Empowered AF Coach Certification gives you everything you need to succeed and help your clients meet their fullest potential as well. Submit your application to start the certification process this May!
I’m Karolina Rzadkowolska