Should You Tell Your Story? 5 Reasons to Take the Leap
You are wonderfully unique. Someone needs to hear what you have to say. You have the exact right words to help them, and the aha moment they’ve been waiting for will happen only when they hear your story—your inspiring and moving, and inimitable take on the world.
When I wrote my book, Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You, I had no idea that it would become a launch pad. It connected me with people all over the world and gave me the chance to help thousands of women change their relationship with alcohol.
Your story has just as much potential.
In The Story Grid, Shawn Coyne writes, “Whether you know it or not, your desire to write comes from the urge to not just be ‘creative,’ it’s a need (one every human being on earth has) to help others. A well-told story is a gift to the reader/listener/viewer because it teaches them how to confront their own discomforts.”
If you’re itching to tell your story, I encourage you to listen to that pull from the universe. There are so many ways your story can help. Here are 5 testaments to the power of storytelling:
Stories date back to prehistoric times. They started as drawings and paintings on cave walls, evolved into oral traditions (passing down stories by word of mouth), and eventually grew into storytelling as we know it today: articles, books, blogs, podcast interviews, and TED Talks.
Storytelling is in our nature, and we retain information better when it’s presented as a narrative. How much of a difference does it really make? Psychologist Jerome Bruner suggests we’re 22 times more likely to recall facts from a story.
Euphoric the Podcast: Episode 164: The AF Couple with Xiomara Zontelli demonstrates the power of storytelling. I get so many questions about how to tell your partner you’re going alcohol-free, going alcohol-free with your partner, and about what will happen if you go alcohol-free and your partner chooses not to.
Hearing Xiomara’s story about the evolution of her relationship with her partner, Patrick—listening to her lay out the details of their breaking point and decision to go alcohol-free as a couple, their time in couples therapy, and how they’re reconnecting and rebuilding a stronger and more meaningful relationship without alcohol—is so much more impactful than me rattling off a couple of FAQs.
When was the last time you felt really motivated to accomplish your goals?
I’ve helped thousands of women change their relationship with alcohol and discover their deeper purpose, and the truth is: facts aren’t enough.
The facts get muddied. How many times have you heard drinking red wine is good for your heart? Earlier this year, the World Heart Federation (WFH) released an office statement debunking the myth. Their statement clarified, “There is no level of alcohol consumption that is safe for health.”
Getting the facts straight can be overwhelming, and it can be tough to rely on statistics and our best intentions to make health-conscious choices.
So don’t.
Storytelling is a source of endless inspiration, and it’s always available to you.
You have no idea who might benefit from hearing your story. Your potential to inspire and motivate other women is so much greater than you know.
Coaching women has been such a humbling experience for me. I had no idea my stories about going from social drinking, low self-worth, and feeling stuck to traveling the world, starting my dream business, and accomplishing my biggest dream of becoming a bestselling author could inspire hundreds of thousands of people. Your story can inspire too.
When I started cutting back and taking breaks from alcohol, I didn’t identify with popular narratives about drinking. I didn’t drink daily, and I didn’t drink alone. When I drank socially with friends, I had a hard time stopping at one, but none of my friends drank one glass of wine or one beer either. The drinks flowed all night long. Having several drinks over the course of a few hours felt pretty normal.
Later, picking drinking back up after Dry January didn’t feel quite right. I felt better when I wasn’t drinking. I didn’t want to go back to drinking again.
In my life and daily experience, I was surrounded by stories that didn’t quite fit, so I listened to my intuition and shared my own. I went alcohol-free, started Euphoric Alcohol-Free, wrote my book, and found thousands of other women like me.
Your people are out there, waiting for your story—waiting for you to give a voice to their struggles and triumphs.
Being a coach motivates me to be curious and stay informed about new resources and materials that might help my clients. One of my favorite ways to learn is through the stories of people I admire.
I’ve learned about building an audience on Instagram, manifesting success, and confronting my fears from Jenna Kutcher. I learned about being in a beautiful state and the importance of owning our circumstances from Tony Robbins.
In sharing his determination not to “spend his life working for someone else and building their dreams,” Ed Mylett motivated me to create a life that would give me the freedom to travel the world and work from my laptop.
I’m always learning, and, when I learn something worth sharing, I make sure to pass it on.
For example, this August 4-6, I’ll be hosting a VIP Mastermind Weekend for Sober Coaches called To Six Figures and Beyond with my friend Teri in Nevada City, CA. One of the classes I’ll be teaching is called the 6 Mistakes Masterclass. In the 6 Mistakes Masterclass, I share real stories from growing my business. Thanks to my firsthand experiences, I know what works, what doesn’t, and where entrepreneurs ought to focus their time and energy.
Framing the material as a story and in the context of my challenges and successes is so much more impactful than simply telling aspiring coaches and business owners what to do. (If you’re interested in joining us, there’s more information here!)
Think about the incredible transformation you experienced when you changed your relationship with alcohol. What did you need to hear when you were newly alcohol-free? What helped you most? What did ditching alcohol teach you about yourself?
Don’t underestimate your story. Your story may include the exact nuggets of wisdom someone needs to move forward.
When I first ditched alcohol, journaling was a non-negotiable for me. Journaling is still one of my favorite things to do. I like to buy actual bound journals with thick, quality paper or paper with golden edges—something to make it feel fun and special—and I bring them with me when I travel.
Why is journaling so effective? When you journal, you’re continually writing and rewriting your story.
Journaling helps you understand who you are and the stories you have to tell, and it helps you value your own evolution. Through journaling, you chronicle your challenges, progress, and personal growth, and your story gives you clarity about who you really are and the hopes you have for the future.
Storytelling is a catalyst for change. Stories inspire, educate, bring us together, and give us clarity. Your story may be exactly what someone needs to hear. Your experiences may encourage them to try a dry month, become a coach, or write a book that goes on to change the world.
Words are powerful.
Stories tell history, make history, and rewrite it.
The ripple effect and impact stories can have are powerful beyond our wildest dreams.
Ready to share your story? Are you meant to share your story as a public speaker, coach, published author, or all three? Are you ambitious but unsure of your next steps? We’d love to see you in Become Emboldened! Become Emboldened is a 4-month coaching program helping women 2+ months alcohol-free step into their true identity and discover their deeper purpose. Experience profound life shifts through 16 weeks of video lessons, 12x group coaching calls, a 24/7 supportive Slack community, and tons of freebies giving you everything you need to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Add your name to the waitlist here!
I’m Karolina Rzadkowolska